Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, October 3, 2023
A Great Storm Is About to Hit the Earth!
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy of September 30, 2023

Beloved daughter,
The time has come: everything is ready, the world will now enter the tribulation.
Still I come to call back men who do not want to recognize Me, those who like zombies are following Satan.
But, shortly, a loud roar will frighten man! When I manifest Myself, I will break the silence of Me from the hearts of men! I have decreed the end of time: there is no more waiting! Man is taken by Satan: he prostrates himself to him, gives himself to him, convinced he is doing the right thing! Poor Children!!!
This Humanity will be deprived of all good: its ordeal will be great.
Meditate, O men, meditate!
The hour of your choice has come: either "with Me," or "against Me."
My children, a great storm is about to hit the earth! The wrath of the volcanoes will set it ablaze. The seas will churn, the rivers will overflow, the mountains will collapse, the ground will open, hail will come down from the sky with power, crops will be lost. The water will no longer be drinkable and man, who had previously lived in My grace, will lose My esteem because to Me he has revolted.
My poor Heart weeps.
All that I had accomplished for you, I will have to take away from you because of your free choice to no longer belong to Me; as the serpents crawl, so you, will return to Me supplicating My Mercy. The Holy City, My heavenly Jerusalem will open to My new People: I will reign again in the hearts of men! Your conversion is urgent!!!
Do not wait for the disease of evil to take you, all is accomplished, prepare your hearts: let them be "pure," steadfast in faith in Me.
I am the only One, "the One true GOD"!!!
I am your Creator!
I demand to have you back as “Mine”!
I love My Creature!
Watch My Children, the time is over as you know it , all that was known in your eyes will change and it will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
America advances in its Masonic project; war will explode! the Earth will weep, will weep!!! Because of fools there will be Hell on Earth.
Source: ➥